Fiona Sanipelli

Design Entrepreneur

New York City
526 W 26th St
Suite 1012
New York, NY 10001

Fiona Sanipelli has been working in the interior design industry for 18 years. She started as a freelance restaurant designer in Winnipeg, Canada before moving to NYC in 2010 to work at AvroKO. She fell in love with the incredibly creative environment of the firm and the conceptual hospitality design world.

After a few years at AvroKO, she worked at Martin Brudnizki and co-founded Dutch East Design. She found that the specification writing platforms most prominent firms were using were incredibly outdated or nearly impossible to learn. She approached her brother Graham, a software developer, about building something better and DesignSpec was born, which is now used by firms around the world.

Along with DesignSpec, Fiona also runs a small design studio called Handwerk Design and lives in the Hudson Valley with her family.