Jon Schippers
Real Estate Developer

Jon Schippers is a native New Yorker and a full-time residential Real Estate Developer and Builder in Brooklyn. For the past 15 years his company, Steering House Design and Development, has completed or is actively constructing over a quarter million square feet of high end residential space throughout brownstone Brooklyn. Steering House projects are generally complete gut renovations of existing structures with new construction components including both horizontal and vertical additions. Many have required significant excavation and underpinning of neighboring structures.
Steering House Design and Development employs over 60 skilled professionals including architects, project managers, construction mangers, and tradesmen. Directly employing all positions that are essential to the development process provides Steering House with a high degree of control over their work. Steering House is proud to have a proven track record of being among the best-in-class developers and builders in New York. Their work has been featured in New York Magazine, CBS Living Large, on The Brooklyn Heights House Tour and recently won a NYCxDesign award.