Roundtable Review: Refining Client Experiences

For our first Roundtable of 2024, we gathered Brick & Wonder Pro & Council members at Olympia DUMBO for a Roundtable focused on Refining Client Experiences. Olympia Dumbo is a beautiful new addition to the DUMBO waterfront, and this modern residence offers stunning views, gorgeous apartments, and thoughtful details.

Research shows eight in ten customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. The moments when we kick off and close out client engagements present opportunities to create high-impact, memorable experiences. There are certainly other opportunities along the way, including how we handle emerging project challenges or bad news about timelines and budgets.

Brick & Wonder members can access the full session notes here.


“Listening is key to understanding where you can add value.”
– Paint Company President

“One of the things we’re trying to do with the customers is to be representatives of the Italian community of furniture makers. We send people to other places and that reinforces the relationships with the client and with the designers.”
– Furniture Brand Sales Manager

“We were doing a lot of work for free. You tend to do a lot of work researching artworks. If the client doesn’t respond and make decisions quickly, it damages relationships with galleries etc.”
– Art Advisor

“I asked why she picked me. You were the one who called me back every time I left a message, and usually within the hour. I call a client back within the hour, at least by the end of the day, and never go to sleep without responding to someone who has sent me a message.”
– Interior Designer

“We’ve taught the project managers to be as responsive as possible to the client. What’s not concerning to us may be concerning to the client. Things may be moving well but it doesn’t necessarily feel like that from the client side.”
– Director of Business Development