Workshop Review: GRADUAL x Long Now x Tomorrow Lab
On Thursday 12/10, we gathered the extraordinary team of creatives behind GRADUAL, a new timepiece that displays passing time in the form of droplets of light.
In the face of massive challenges like global warming, never before has our ability to make long-term decisions been so critically linked to the survival of our species. Our panelists came together to discuss whether a new story of time might help us.
RUX Studios, led by Brick & Wonder member Russell Greenberg set out to reimagine the way we think about time. Through partnerships with The Long Now Foundation and Tomorrow Lab, they arrived at GRADUAL.
Our panelists shared the story of creating this new product, and the highly collaborative process by which an ethereal idea concretizes into a debut collection.
Meet the Panelists:

Russell Greenberg is the founder and creative director of RUX Studios, the interdisciplinary design firm and parent company behind Stickbulb and Gradual. His work ranges from award-winning urban master plans to next-generation consumer products. After a decade of innovation for the likes of Unilever, Samsung, Mozilla Firefox, and Pernod Ricard, Russell transformed the RUX Studios’ business model in 2017 from a design consultancy into a platform to create and grow innovative brands with ethical roots.

Ted Ullrich is the Founder of Tomorrow Lab, a design studio that combines the disciplines of brand strategy, product design, and engineering to create new hardware products. Ted regularly speaks on the role of design studios as invention centers and the application of science and design to entrepreneurial ventures to create new technology products. Ted holds a Masters of Industrial Design from Georgia Tech, a Bachelor of Inventive Design Engineering from Purdue University, and has taught design studio courses at Georgia Tech, Drexel University, the School of Visual Arts, Cranbrook Academy of Art, and the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design

Nicholas Paul Brysiewicz is the Director of Development at The Long Now Foundation, a nonprofit in California that is working to foster long-term thinking. Their largest project is a massive mechanical clock, installed in a mountain and designed to keep time for the next 10,000 years. Their many projects and programs all focus on the long now—the next and last ten millennia—not the now of this moment, but the now of civilization itself. The foundation believes that civilization-scale challenges call for civilization-scale thinking. Nicholas has a background in systems engineering and philosophy—with a special interest in aesthetics, hermeneutics, and phenomenology.
Meet the Moderator:

Drew is the principal at Lang Architecture and the founder of Brick & Wonder.