Brand, Story and Space

In this episode of Working Together, we spoke with two people who have come together in many successful project collaborations over time. Alexandra Thom, a brand strategist and the creative director at Revolver, a branding studio based in New York City, and Karen Zabarsky Blashek, a real estate strategist and founder of Ground Up, a consultancy based in Austin, Texas.
Success for brand strategy means it inspires great work in other people.
– Alexandra Thom
You can have the most amazing, thoughtful design in the world, and if you’re not able to get the final decision makers on board it does not matter. Being able to tell the story helps the design go through.
– Karen Zabarsky Blashek
The strategy should be something that’s palpable when you walk into a space. It explains why people feel a certain way in the space, without them necessarily being able to put their finger on it.
– Alexandra Thom
Sometimes it’s not about what you like or don’t like. It should be about whether it is the right decision for the brand.
– Alexandra Thom
The client sent us a 10 page document of everything that was wrong with the presentation. I spoke with Alexandra, and she said, I love it when we get feedback like this. It’s like a puzzle of figuring out what we have to do here to get to the right answer with this client. That was such a different mentality from anything I’d experienced.
– Karen Zabarsky Blashek