Roundtable Review: Performance Under Pressure

On February 21st, we held a Roundtable in NYC at the studio of Workshop APD, on the topic of Performance Under Pressure. Entrepreneurship, leadership, and management all create great stress and pressure on those who lead, but we don’t always succeed in managing these moments well. In this Roundtable, Brick & Wonder members discussed strategies and…

March 04, 2024

Roundtable Review: Seeding Innovation – Austin

On September 26th, 2023, we held our first Roundtable in Austin, TX, focused on fostering innovation within and beyond the built environment industry. The Roundtable was hosted by our local community partner, Karen Zabarsky Blashek, at the studio of Michael Hsu Office of Architecture. For this special gathering, we brought together colleagues from the Austin…

October 10, 2023

Roundtable Review: Sales & Selling

Survival and growth in business depend on sales and selling, but, for many, the process is exhausting, emotionally fraught, and a distraction from the satisfaction of doing the work we’re required to sell. 

Read on for some of the key insights from the discussion.

October 06, 2023

Roundtable Review: Expanding Business Ownership

On July 20th, 2023, we held a Roundtable discussion on Expanding Business Ownership for Brick & Wonder Pro & Council members.  As your business grows, it becomes increasingly critical to retain senior team members that have deep institutional knowledge, valuable client and collaborator relationships, and tailored experience in core business activities.  One of the best…

July 25, 2023

Roundtable Review: Intelligent Risk

On June 22nd, 2023, Brick & Wonder Pro and Council members joined us at Public Records in Brooklyn for a Roundtable on Intelligent Risk. Public Records is an innovative multi-use space that caters to audiophiles and tastemakers and is known for its impact on the global music scene, its design-forward aesthetic, and its commitment to sustainability. Risk is an essential dimension in business (and…

June 27, 2023

Roundtable Review: Hiring & Firing

Whether hiring for growth, for a niche skillset, for diversity, or for a new strategic initiative, the process can be time-consuming and even overwhelming.

June 21, 2023

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